Data And Bagels

Some digital journalism tips and tricks (including some learned at NICAR17) for a quick talk at the University of Montana Journalism School

First off: Download this zip file. If you want to stick around until the end for some very basic HTML / CSS, download the Sublime Text Editor.

data bagel

A little about us

Claire Chandler, Kelsey Johnson, Kayla Robertson.

Data journalism glossary

Terms to know. Or, at least pretend to know and reference during job interviews.

So where do I find this “data” stuff?

Here’s a few solid resources. Bookmark these to use as sources for stories, or search these for story ideas (look for outliers).

All of the U.S. government’s open data. Nice, easy to use website. If you’re writing a story about climate change, you can easily search by that + Montana or U.S. to see what kind of data you need. From there, you download.

Census American Fact Finder

Basically all of the census data. The website is super dense and not super intuitive, but it’s a goldmine of census info, which is great because historically the census is super accurate, recurring by year so it’s reliable, and great for demographic-based stories (race, age, ect).

National Data Repository

Wikipedia page of data hubs of different countries that are government funded / based.

Google Public Data Explorer

Can help you visualize a dataset. Kind of like Google search, it searches open datasets. Doesn’t have everything and the search can be tricky. But it can quickly show you what a dataset has in it without you having to analyze it and make your own infographic. You can easily see if the dataset is worth downloading, etc.

General searching tips

The file types PDF and Excel are often where the good data is. To find these:

Making your own data

Ok, so I have this data. What can I do with it?

Infographics are cool and good. Why? Infographics make stories more believable, more shareable, and more digestible for audiences. How your story is presented online is everything. Here are some tools that reporters (or anyone) can use to make their stories better — no coding or design knowledge involved. Here’s a few starter tools:


Knightlab tools

Knightlab is a leading innovator in journalism technology, and makes a lot of opensource (free) resources for journalists. There are three main tools which are very usable, responsive and easy to learn. Let’s look at how to make an interactive timeline:


So much more you can do with data — bookmark these:



News chatbots

HTML/CSS: Or, how do these things get published?

  1. Remember that .zip folder we downloaded at the beginning? Extact the folder called “FirstHTML” and put it somewhere easily accessible, like on your dekstop.

  2. Open load Sublime Text Editor (command + Space — search Sublime). Why? It’s Opensource, easy to use, free (just click “no” if they want you to donate), widely used by journo developers. Or, if you already have a text editor like Atom or Brackets, that’s fine. Need a text editor like this — DON’T use Microsoft word or TextEdit.

  3. File — open. Open the document called “index.html”. The Index file is where all of your content lives. You can’t have a webpage without a home HTML files, typically named index.

  4. What’s in this file?

    • Heading stuff
      • Mostly meta data goes here, adn links to other sources of code you may need to reference.
      • Let’s add a title. This is what shows up at the title of the tab in your browser. In the space between and , write something like “My First HTML Page”.
  <strong> around some words </strong> and they become bold!

<a href=””>Click here to visit the UMT J-School Website.</a>
